So today we were thinking about some other key terminologyfor your exam:
Sub Genres : different specific styles but still within the catergory of TV Crime Genre
Genre Hybrids: When two or mroe established genres mix (e.g Romantic + Comedy)
We also talked a bit about this word and how Crime Drama trys to create it..
Verisimilitude: The world and the rules of reality created by the text.
Then we watched some clips from 3 different SUB GENRES:
- The private investigator (Sherlock)
- The police procedural (The Wire)
- The professions (CSI)
Then we tried to identify differences between the three using this sheet:
Website with good explanations of Subgenres: Crime TV Buddy Cop Show Forensic Drama
HOMEWORK : Read thsi article and try and note down new terms or examples you could use for your exam:
genre crime tv drama