Monday, 21 May 2012

Preliminary Material : What to do

I have put a copy of the preliminary material for you below (with highlights over the key stuff)... Prelim Material Basically from now until the exam you are preparing the best 4 answers you can using that brief... From discussions in class we have come up with possible ideas for the 4 tasks:

Q1 :Will be some kind of knowledge test about the genre / sub genres and conventions and success and appeals of the genre .

Something like : "Tell us what you know about TV Crime Drama.Is it successful and why does it appeal to people?" 

So in this question you need to use facts and statistics about viewing figures, list and explain the conventions of the different sub genres of TV Crime Drama and always mention lots of examples from shows you have seen. You will need to talk about the typical Audiences and the appeals of the genre to them This question could take the form of an essay, but you can use bullet points to help you

Q2: Willl probably be the PITCH / PROPOSAL question in which you have to present your idea for a show (when coming up with your idea you must remember the stuff from the brief: Family show, Popular, interesting storyline, realistic characters and settings)

It might say "Let us have you ideas for an engaging family TV crime show"

In you pitch you should have:

Title (of show)
Character description (2 minimum) : draw them and annotate them if time
Pilot episode narrative outline
Channel + scheduling

Q3: This could be where you have to explain how your idea fits the brief. So in this question you need to justify your ideas and relate them to the brief. So it could be something like  

"Explain why your show will interest the audience and how you might hope to reach them with your marketing strategy"

They might also ask you in this question to draw up ideas for a marketing and merchandising plan.. Think about how you could use traditional and internet /social media to make people watch your show. 

Q4: will be the practical (drawing!!) task where you have to design something.. probably a website for the show but it could be a storyboard for a trailer.. but its more likely they will ask you to design a website as it says in the brief "exploit the potential of new and e-media."

The question could be something like "Show us your designs for a website or online advertising campaign"

So here are some good TV Crime Drama websites for you to research on:

You need to practice drawing yours out (and labelling the key areas explaining why they are good for the audience) because in the exam you will only have 20 minutes to do it!! So get practicing! You dont need to perfectly draw every image or write all the text but just the major interactive parts..

OK THEN remember these are our best efforts at pre guessing the question but they could be slightly different.. and also remember you must include lots of MEDIA WORDS !! but i will try and put more help on this soon ..

Ok get preparing and remember to leave comments here with your ideas or questions if you need help...

Safe bruv... SLOANLOCK